
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My PreSchool Dilemma

So here is my dilemma.  For the last two years my oldest son attended a Private Preschool.  We found this Pre-school when he placed out of the need based preschool at our public school district.  Last year my middle son went there too.  The plan was to send him there again this year.  I love the school and the teachers and he has made a bunch of friends there!

So what is the problem you ask?  

We had my middle son tested a few months ago because we had some speech concerns and since I am now a SAHM he qualified for the public program.  This program is FREE and is 5 days a week.  The other program is only 3 days a week and will cost me $140 a month.  I know that isn't much but with an already tight budget every little bit helps.  The class sizes will be larger at the Public school and even thought he will be learning most of the same stuff I just don't know what to do.

The only real advantage of the Public school is that it is free and he can be bused so that I would not have to drive the extra miles everyday.  He would also be at the same school as his brother.

I just don't know what to do!!!  


  1. i would just try it. is he doesn't seem to like it then pull him out. i work at a private pre school and we had a few special needs kids who went to the public program but one didn't like it so his mom pulled him out and put him back at the private center..

  2. Give it a shot. No one expects perfection from ya... If you don't like it or he isn't learning what you expect him to learn, move him back. :-)

  3. I agree with the above two posts. You can try it and then see how it works out. Good luck.

  4. Just because it's free doesn't make it bad and just because it's private doesn't make it better. Try the public program and see how it goes.

  5. Given the circumstances, I would try the public program. We are home preschooling, ourselves, because my son tested out of the public one and private just isn't in the budget.
