
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weightless Wednesday - Week 2 - Oh The Struggles!

And so starts the struggles!  
Not only was this week full of difficult events, but I'm in general having a hard time sticking to the plan.  This past week I had a Wedding on Saturday, my Anniversary on Sunday and a BBQ on Monday!  
I was super cautious about what I ate on Saturday because I really wanted to be able to enjoy myself at the wedding.  I didn't want to have to "watch" what I was eating so most of the day I helped myself to fruits and veggies.  At the wedding I did pretty well.  It was a SUPER fancy event so they had 3 different food stations.  I had some chicken kabobs, hummis, and then to finish it off...Pasta with spinach, mushrooms, and wait for it....Alfredo sauce!  I know that was my down fall!
I will say that I did dance my tush off though!!

Sunday was our anniversary.  Eight wonderful years!!  The hubby and I both have a real affinity for Thai food so we went to a little Thai place not far from our house.  I tried to be good.  I really did!  But I just couldn't bring myself to order Chicken with Broccoli with the sauce on the side!  I needed some real food.  So I got the "Popeye".  Chicken breast with spinach in a peanut sauce.  Everything was great but I really should have gotten the sauce on the side because the chicken was totally swimming in it!  

Monday night we had a BBQ.  It wasn't too bad but I have a thing for Hot Dogs and I can never eat just 1!! And that is when the current cookie addiction started!  I have always been a sweets person and for the last week I have been getting my sweets fill with cereal.  Well when the hubby bought the cookies I just coudn't resist, and I have not been able to keep my fingers off them since!!

So the long and the short of it is that I need to get more committed.  The weather has been pretty nice this week so we have spent a good amount of time outside and I've started walking more. Hopefully it will stay this way so that I can just get outside and get some exercise!  

Having said all of that I still managed to loose a little weight this week.  

Week 2:
Age: 29
Height: 5'5"
Start Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 150
Weigh In: 175.4
Loss: .8lbs!!!
Total Loss 4.6lbs

Not too bad but I really need to stay focused!  What is your biggest weakness?

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