
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weightless Wednesday - Week 4 - Stuck in a Rut

The last 2 weeks have been completely insane!!  I've been trying to stick to the plan but with the weather being yucky and rainy here in Northern Illinois and I just haven't been up to it.  I know I didn't get an update in last week but I did weigh in and last week I actually did really well!  I lost over 3 pounds!  Then came this week and Easter and potato pierogi, ham and yummy apple pie!!  All said and done I only gained .2lbs this week.  Not too bad!  

Besides Easter I have another struggle that really got to me this week.  I'm still getting used to being a SAHM.  And in addition to that as a family we are getting used to being a one income family and to make matters even more difficult to adjust to is that DH only gets paid once a month!  So we are learning to budget to make our money last ALL month!  When I worked I got paid every other week to supplement and fill in the gaps!  Budgeting for a whole month is a lot more difficult that budgeting for 2 weeks.  So by the middle of last weeks I was down to bear bones in the pantry and the fridge!  So finding things to eat was a difficult!  But I went shopping yesterday and bought plenty of food to get me though a few weeks.  Eating healthy should be better now.  Hopefully the weather will get better and we can spend some more time outside!

Here are results from the last two weeks.
How is your path to healthy going?

Week 3:
Age: 29
Height: 5'5"
Start Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 150
Weigh In: 172.4
Loss: 3.2lbs!!!
Total Loss 7.6lbs

Week 4:
Age: 29
Height: 5'5"
Start Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 150
Weigh In: 172.6
Loss: +.2lbs
Total Loss 7.4lbs

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