
Monday, June 13, 2011

Our Week in Sposies!

**Note...This post is in NO way a shot at Disposable using Momma's and Daddy's!  I was one myself fro years!  These are strictly my feelings about the benefits (and downsides) of using cloth diapers over disposables.  I love my cloth but for 2 children disposables were my life!

For those of you who don't know Colton is my third child but he is my first in Cloth.  When I had my 5 and 4 year old I was still under the impression that cloth diapers were the wonderful "Gerber Type" flats that worked so wonderfully as burp rags in my house.
So when I was pregnant with baby number 3 and was introduced to the modern cloth diaper I was hooked!  And we have been a cloth loving family ever since!

Well this past week we took a 16 hour road trip to South Carolina to visit some family and get some R&R. After deliberating for what seemed like days we made the decision to leave our cloth at home.  We had limited space in the Van and I didn't want to have to spend hours at the laundry mat every 2 days!  So sposies it was!

I had a pack of size 2 Pampers that a friend had bought us when Colton was born and he just fit in at the bottom weight limit for them so we packed them up and headed on our way.  

Even though I have only been using cloth of a little over five months now it had been a few years since I had really used disposable diapers.  I forgot how much I HATE the smell of disposables!!  I know it is meant to smell like baby powder or something of that nature but all I can smell is the chemicals and I felt like it was burning my nostrils.  Every time I put Colton in a new diaper I longed for my scent-free fluff that was waiting for me back at home.  I missed my Fluffy Butt!!

There were however a few positives to having disposables on such a long road trip.  I didn't have to worry about waking him waking up along the way (we drove through the night) because his diaper was leaking.  Even when I double stuff his dipes we still get leaking sometimes if he sleeps for a really long time!  
And I do on occasion miss the convenience of just rolling up the diaper and tossing it in the trash.  

What I really don't miss?  The explosive EBF poops that travel all the way up the back of a sweet little baby. Since we started using cloth I have never had a poop explosion or leak, but in one week we had 3 with sposies!!!

Needless to say I won't be switching back anytime soon and I'm super happy to be home and have my little Fluffy Butt Back!

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