
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

CCBaby Wool Soaker Review and GC Giveaway

If you read my post a few weeks ago about Wool you know that I was not only skeptical of the power of wool but also scared.  When I decided to take the leap to wool Janna @ CCBaby was there to offer up my first woolie!

Let me start by saying that Janna's customer service is great!  Despite having a big show she still got to my soaker and sent it out with in a week!

Aren't they cute!  

Janna sent me a size medium for my little skinny 14lb 6mo old.  
While they are a little big on him they still do a great job.

My biggest fear with starting wool was the lanolizing process but Janna sends GREAT instructions with her soakers and she made it really easy!  The instructions can also be found here on her Hyena Cart site.

The soaker is still a little big around the legs and waist but still stays in place and holds in any and all moisture. I actually had it on over a pocket diaper for the purpose of these photos.  It has become one of my favorite night time combos!   The soaker is well constructed and very soft.  Not at all itchy.

Janna makes a variety of soakers from up-cycled wool to cashmere and her hyena cart site is SUPER informative.  If you ever had any questions about wool you will find it there!

In addition to the soaker Janna also sent a few items for my two older boys.
She sent us a snack bag,
and a super cute "super Hero" Cape!

The boys (and daddy) have had lots of fun playing with their new toy!

Here are a few more action shots.

You can see a bit of a gap here around the waist but it does not effect the soaker at all!

Janna also makes Leg Warmers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties, Trainers, and MORE!!

Do you want some wool?  I know I want more!

New customers can get 20% off their first order!  Just contact CCBaby and let her know that Tailor Made Momma Sent you!
Check out her Hyena Cart for all of her products!

Janna has been generous enough to offer up a $15 gift card to her shop!!


  1. i have one fleece cover that i have "enjoyed" but everyone keeps telling me how much they LOVE their wool

  2. Everyone says wool is great! I'd love to try it! :)

  3. I LOVE my Woolie Wraps they are the only thing that will keep my son dry at night!!

  4. i want to try wool as everyone who uses it raves about it. I am scared to try it, so a giveaway would be a great way to discover it as a newbie!

    dmoretti1967 at

  5. I would love more wool! My big guy doesn't have any yet and hers are so cute!

    kmonkey13 at yahoo dot com

  6. i have never tried wool but have heard great things abut it from my nieghboor an have a few fitted that i dont use very often since i have no covers for them

  7. What a great giveaway!

  8. I hear it is super absorbent and great for night time!

  9. I would love to try wool over prefolds for my baby girl arriving this fall! I love the leak-free aspects along with the breathability!

  10. I have heard and read so much about wool that it's out pure curiosity that I want to try it. Mahalo for the giveaway!

  11. I've never tried, but everyone says it's great for night time. Plus I like that it's natural fiber.
    olivia.lasting at gmail dot com

  12. I have 1 wool soaker which I use at night and I love another one!
    TrishaAGrimes at Gmail dot com

  13. Wool is so breathable for my little guy. It is the only diaper (fitted with wool) that he travels well in.

  14. I would love to TRY wool as I've heard a lot of GOOD things about it :) Plus i'm new to all this cloth diapering :)

  15. I have heard a lot about wool soakers but never tried one and I am not sure if I would like it. I would love to try one free to find out!

  16. I would like to try wool because they are more breathable than PUL covers I own.
    tomokofive at gmail dot com

  17. I use wool more during the summer as it keeps my LO cooler, and it truly does not leak. Love it at night especially!

  18. I want to try wool because we have heard such amazing things about how much more air flow it allows and how it doesn't leak!

  19. love her stuff.... for soem reason I cannot get to post under my name.... I am a follower via gfc, as Jess Johnson

  20. i love wool b/c it is breathable
    taraz9 at excite dot com

  21. i would like to try the reusable bags or the wet bags

  22. i want to try wool because i am so stinken tired of our pockets leaking at night. its not that he's a heavy wetter, i think its positioning causing gaping. i really want to try fitteds with wool cover.

    thanks for the giveaway!

  23. I am so excited to try wool or our overnight diapering. It's hot as all get out here in Texas, but so cool that wool will not make my baby hot.

  24. I'm stoked about wool as a first time cloth diaper user. I was skeptical bc I thought it would be hot and itchy, but I have heard such great things about it's breathability while still keeping in moisture!!
