
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nursing A Broken Heart - 61/2 Month Update

As many of you already know at about 4 months we ran into some pretty significant weight gain issues with Colton.  At 2 months we weighed nearly 12 lbs and by 4 months we were at 12lbs 4oz down from 12lbs 10oz!  We tried everything we could think of.  I took fenugreek, and ate oatmeal at least one meal a day.  We attempted to supplement with formula, can you say disaster! After about 3 weeks we started to see improvement.  Over the course of the next month and a half Colton put on 2 pounds!  
No formula just momma milk!  

In the last 3 weeks Colton has gone through a pretty big changes!  He has started to crawl! He is no longer stuck in on place he crawls everywhere.  He twists he turns he climbs up on what ever he can get close to.  In the process he has also managed to LOSE 5oz in 2 weeks!

I confirmed with my lactation consultant today that Colton is definitely tongue tied.  Its not to bad and has never caused any nursing issues but I think it could be causing him problems with solids. 

Now I know that many breastfeeding mommas don't think that a babe should get any solids until a year but at this point my breastmilk just might not be a enough so we are trying to get extra calories in anywhere we can. Problem...he takes about 3 bites and then stops eating.

My lactation consultant has told me to hold off one more week before calling the doctor.  Since he has started moving around so much more and it has been SUPER hot here so feedings have been shorter, she thinks that he will bring himself back up again.  
Fingers crossed that we don't need to go back to the doctor and we start putting on some weight again!
The little 8 week old babes at BFing support group are going to weigh more then him soon!

Thanks to all my fellow mommas out there for your support.  It is so much easier to get through having a great group like you to lean on!


  1. Hang in there!! My little chunk is sending his weight-gaining vibes your way. :-)

  2. I think Colton is going to be just fine! He'll figure out the solids soon, and the weight will pick up. Until then, are you offering high fat content solids? Stuff like avocado? Or can you mix a little butter into the stuff he will eat? Even a few bites with butter will help.

    I know how hard it is. We finally hit the point that we don't have to do monthly weight checks, but Peter is still only 18 pounds at 10 months.

  3. We had a similar problem where my milk just about completely dried up when AF returned :( Nothing I did could fix it and I went about a week where it just dwindled down slowly until this week there is nothing :( Poor hungry girl. :( So, 2 weeks ago, we started formula (disappointed, but glad we lasted nearly 8 months). She is a spitter and HATED baby food. Would take a bite or two and then arch her back. After some research we switched to Baby Led Weaning and she is eager to eat now. Just thrilled as can be with food.
