
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Auction For Sean

No one should ever have to suffer through cancer. 

What makes it worse is that NO parent should ever have to watch their child suffer through all the pain and procedures that come along with battling cancer.

Well a friend of mine is going through just that right now.  After weeks of illness and surgery to remove and appendix, her three year old son was diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) just a few days ago.

He is currently at University of Chicago Medical Center and being treated by some of the BEST doctors around!  But being in Chicago puts him hours away from his family.  His parents have already missed lots of work, and even though insurance will cover most of their medical bills, there are so many other expenses that will need to be taken care of.  

ALL is very treatable but can take years of procedures and chemo to get rid of!  This little boy has a great chance of survival and remission but it is a long road ahead for him, his parents and his older siblings too!

As an attempt to help this family with any monetary needs, we will be holding a charity auction to benefit Sean and his family.  

Here are the details:

The auction will be held on my Facebook Page.  It will begin on August 22nd, and run for 1 week.  I will continue to accept sponsors until August 24th.  

If you are interested in sponsoring our auction please e-mail me at

In addition to thank all of our sponsors we will be holding a 2nd auction the following week, to benefit our sponsors!

Please send thoughts and prayers to little Sean and his family and be sure to join us for our auction the week of August 22nd!!

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