
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dinner Rut

I love to cook, but lately it feels like it has become a chore.  
I feel like I make the same 6 or 7 meals every week or so.  My boys are picky, my husband is picky and financially I feel like making dinner interesting isn't always in the cards.
On top of it all my hubby works late 4 days a week!  On those days it is just easier to make the kids something they want and snack on left overs.

So I have decided that next week starts dinner planning.  I know some people do weeks or a month of dinner planning but I don't think I can handle that.  I am going to one week of meal plans.  

This means that I am going to actually cook dinner on the nights that DH won't be home to eat it.  Who knows maybe he will take it to work with him and eat it for lunch instead of eating out!!!

So tonight we are going to sit down with all of my 400 or so cookbooks (ok that's a little bit of an exaggeration) and get to planning hopefully make some interesting new items!

How do you keep dinner interesting in your house?

1 comment:

  1. i just started loosely meal planning. we aren't very good at sticking to any kind of plan but i find that if i have the ingredients for about 5 meals in my head and a frozen pizza in the freezer, we can get by :) i try to make a crock pot meal a week to save my sanity! also, ask your fb friends for some meal ideas! i got a ton when my friend asked everyone this and i just stole her suggestions :)
