
Friday, August 5, 2011

Tongue Tied

So anyone who has been reading my blog knows that we have had numerous nursing issues.  
Well Colton is Tongue Tied!  My poor little baby!

It wasn't too much of an issue at first but it is becoming more of one the older he gets.  
We have bottle issues now too, he can't get a good latch on a nipple and half of it leaks down my arm.
He has trouble eating solids because he can't get them to the back of his mouth.  

I had talked to his doctor who didn't seem concerned but I have decided that I can't wait until he is 9 months to see what needs to be done.  We are going to the doctor on Monday.  Wish me luck. I don't know what he is going to say but I am scared.  I just want my baby to be ok.

Wish me Luck!


  1. Evan was tongue tied. They clipped it at his first pedi appointment. I am sure your guy will be just fine :D

  2. I felt the same way when my little one had to have tubes put in her ears at 8 months old. He's in great hands and whatever the decision, it will be good for him!

  3. All but one of my kids have been tongue tied (as was I when I was a baby). It was SUPER simple to fix. The pediatrician just takes a pair of sterile scissors and clips it. There may be a couple drops of blood, but it is over really quickly. The sooner it is done the better. Good luck!

  4. My son was tongue tied... The doctor clipped in right in the office. He said its like clipping a finger nail. There was a little blood but it was a pretty easy deal! :-)

  5. My 2 year old was tongue tied when she was born and I had the option to have it done before I left the hospital which I had done. It's a very simple procedure as others have mentioned no freezing and no blood really and it's not supposed to be painful at all. The mentioned something about my two month being tongue tied (well the nurse did so I don't think she was). It will be over with like that! : ))
