
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And then there was one

My Breastfeeding relationship with Colton has been anything but smooth.
We've had our share of bumps along the way, between weight loss and supply issues at one point I wondered if we would make it at all.

Our first issue came at about 3 months.  I started to have supply issues, and Colton started to lose large amounts of weight.  
We got our supply back under control and we started to gain weight again thanks to fenugreek and oatmeal.

At 6 months the supply issues started again, Colton started to lose weight AGAIN! On top of that we came to the conclusion that the minor tongue tie he had was getting worse and needed to be addressed.  
We took care of the tongue tie but I just couldn't get my supply back. And as much as I pushed it off, I hated to see my little man struggle to nurse and feel full.  It killed me to watch him want more and not be able to give it to him.  My body just wasn't cooperating and he was hungry.  So I gave in and gave him a bottle of formula and he was so happy!  He went from crying to get more food to playing with me again.

We continued to nurse before every bottle.  Then a few weeks ago the nursing sessions started to wean off.  About 2 weeks ago we were down to three nursing sessions a day.  There was usually one of them that didn't end with me giving him a bottle after.  

Then it happened.  On Sunday we were down to ONE nursing session!  There was just nothing there any other time.  He would suck and pull and tug at my nipple and nothing would come. Besides it hurting me, it was frustrating him.  

I hate to say that I have given up and I don't see it that way.  We are still nursing once a day, and I will continue to nurse once a day until Colton decides that he doesn't want to or I dry up completely!  What ever he gets he gets and that better than nothing.

Thank you to all the wonderful momma's out there who have supported me through all my struggles.  You all have made me feel so loved and really helped me to succeed in this venture.

So even though my nursing relationship with Colton is not ending the way that I was hoping, I am not giving up on it.  I will hold on to my ONE nursing session, and enjoy the bonding that only a nursing Momma and her baby can experience for as long as I can.

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