
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Paper Plate Crafts - Animal Masks

So I have been slacking a little on being crafty with the kids.  So in preparation for going to the zoo for one more visit on Sunday I thought we would make some Animal Masks!

What better way than with PAPER PLATES!!!

What you need:
-Paper Plates
-Popsicle Sticks
-Crayons or Markers
-Misc decorations (feathers, pipe cleaners)
-Glue Sick

What to do:
Start by cutting a paper plate in half.

Cut two eyes out of the plate.

This is where it gets fun.

Create an Animal!!

Use your imagination!

When you are finished creating tape a Popsicle stick to the back and have fun!

Here are a few examples...


We colored the plate orange with black stripes, added a nose and used black pipe cleaners for the whiskers.


Using the other half of the plate or some construction paper cut out a thin strip to use as the trunk.  Then cut out two ears.  Color everything gray.  Glue the ears to the back of the head and the trunk to the front.  *hint* to get the trunk to curl wrap it around your fingers.


Color the plate what ever color you would like for your Parrot.  Glue or tape feathers to the top of the plate on the backside.  Using a piece of construction paper form a beak and glue it on to make a nose.  

What kind of animals can you make out of paper plates? 
Can you create your favorite zoo animal?

Share and tell us what animal you are going to make!!!


  1. This is such a cute craft idea! Thanks for posting!

  2. OMG, those are so cute!!! I want to learn to do that

  3. What a great craft! Perfect for Halloween.

  4. Great craft. I know my Jasmine would love the Elephant mask. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Those turned out cute! I hope you stop by the Sunday Showcase; a child centered weekly link up and share this!

  6. Adorable craft!!! I love the elephant. Great indoor activity. Thanks for sharing.
