
Monday, October 31, 2011

20 Second Fitness - Week 1

As Mom's of young children many of us struggle with our losing and then maintaining our weight.  Maybe you lost the initial baby weight, but over the last few weeks lost it.  Or maybe you're like me, and never really lost ALL of the baby weight after baby number 1.

Well I have officially started my path to weight loss and healthier living.

This week I started my 20 Second Fitness Challenge.
So what is 20 Second Fitness you ask?
It is a 6 week work out program that focuses on 20 second, high intensity sets of exercises to help get you in shape in as little as 4 minutes a day.
How Does it Work?
Quick intervals maximize calorie burn through focused, muscle specific sets.  The use of the underused, anaerobic system leads to afterburn rapid burn which boosts your metabolism and increases calorie burn even AFTER your done working out. 

Week 1 Workout
Week one is the first week of warm-ups.  All 6 days (today is my "rest" day) consisted of 4-5 minute workouts.  Now my first thought was how in the WORLD am I going to get a decent work out in 4 minutes.  Well as soon as I finished day one I knew that I was going to be feeling it the next day!  My arms were sore, my abs were sore, and I couldn't believe I was feeling it!  
I think it took about 10 minutes for my heart rate to fully recover and for my body to feel like I wasn't any longer working out.  

Day 2-5 were the same.  Different parts of my body hurt every day.  By day five my lower abs were so sore (the good kind) I had a really hard time finishing my planks!  By day 6 my body was starting to adjust and the soreness was mostly gone.  
Although I had been working out all week day 6 was DEFINITELY the toughest!  The cardio had my heart racing!  And for about 15 minutes afterward I felt like I was still working out!

Why I love it
-I can get in what feels like a GREAT workout in a short time!  As a mom of 3 boys this is crucial! some days I hardly have time to shower let alone work out.
-The intensity can be adjusted to any level. Whether you are an advance athlete or just starting all of the exercises can be tailored to your speed and ability.

My Concerns
-I have to remember to warm up a cool down a bit on my own first.  The workout gets you started right away and finishes just as abruptly.  I need a little warm up/cool down.
-I am struggling with pushing myself too hard.  I know my ability and sometimes I tend to push myself harder than I should. I need to remember my limits and stick to them.

The Results
Every week I will share my experiences and results with you.  I will share measurements and pictures with you all every two weeks.  YES even before pictures!!

Starting Stats:
Weight: 171.5lbs
Biceps: 13"
Chest: 35.25"
Stomach: 41.5"
Hips: 43.25"
Thighs: 20.5"
Think you might be interested in trying 20 second fitness?  Visit their site
Use the code "tailor made momma" and get 20% off your order and FREE shipping!

1 comment:

  1. I am struggling with weight loss for the third time after having my 3rd and final baby. It isn't as easy this time around. Thanks for sharing what is working for you. I will need to check it out!!!
