
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween Craft - Egg Carton Spiders

As I have said before, Halloween is one of my FAVORITE holidays!
I love to decorate my house with LOTS of great Halloween items.

One of the best ways to do that is with items that my little's make themselves. 

So tonight we had Family craft night!
We made Egg Carton Spiders and had a blast!

What you Need

Egg Carton
Paint or Markers
Google Eyes (optional)
Pipe Cleaners (cut into quarters)

How to Make It
-Cut the bottoms of the egg carton into individual sections.  (one little egg basket = one spider)
-Have your little paint his or her spider however they like.
-Once the paint dries, poke 8 holes in the bottom of the spider and insert them into the spider.
-Add google eyes with a small amount of glue.
Let your little be creative with their eyes and have fun!!

We poked a hole in the top of the spider and hung them from the light fixture in our dining room.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! My 6 year old would love these, especially the one-eyed one!

    debbie m
