
Monday, October 17, 2011

NMEDA - They Make it Easier

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of NMEDA for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

So I know I have talked about them before, but I don't think it hurts to talk about them again.

I have three healthy children.  I have a healthy mom, and husband, and have never had to transport someone in a wheelchair.  Then today and sat and thought about it.  If for some reason I EVER need to transport someone in a wheelchair I couldn't do it.  I can hardly put a stroller in my van, let alone a wheelchair!  

How would I find a vehicle that I could make accessible>  Where would I find a vendor to do it for me?  How in the world could I EVER afford that?

Those are the last things I want to be thinking about if I ever had this situation arise.

NMEDA helps to answer these questions for you.  NMEDA doesn't try and sell you anything!  They are stricly there to assist you in answering all your questions.  They help you to find a qualified vendor that, will treat you with respect and assist you with all of your mobility needs!

I can't imagine having to be the caretaker for a handicap child or adult, but knowing that a company like NMEDA is there, makes me feel a little more confident.

Take a minute to find a qualified dealer near you!  Leave me a comment and tell me how close your dealer is!

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