
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The End of A Season

So November is officially here!
The year is only TWO month from being over.  But I know you are all looking at this and think that I am crazy.  Fall isn't over yet.  Winter doesn't start for a few weeks still.  What is with this Lady?

Well I'm not talking about a traditional season.  I'm talking about a season of my own.  I'm not even sure what I would call this season, but it is full of ALL of my favorite things int he world!

Halloween is over and along with it comes the closing of all of my favorite end of summer fall activities.  At least here in Northern IL.

No more apple orchards, or pumpkin patches.  Roadside farmers markets have sold the last of the corn and squash and closed up their carts for the winter.  All of the corn mazes are cutting down the last of the stalks and there is no more freezing my butt off and getting lost in a maze for hours!
I'm going to miss all of my afternoon trips to the local orchards.  
But I am going to stay positive.  Pretty soon I will get to go sledding and decorate for Christmas and for a few weeks I will forget about the end of MY fall season and enjoy the wonders of winter.

What are you going to miss the most about fall?



  1. I hear ya! It's that in between beautiful colors and perfect weather limbo before snow, ice and Christmas shopping and spending Holidays with family. It's the same here in Mo. but we are about 2-3 weeks behind you in changes.

  2. I HATE daylight savings time. I'd much rather have that extra sunshine at night vs in the morning and for me, once we turn the clocks back fall seems to fade away.

  3. I totally feel the same way. There are so many things about the Fall season that I will miss.

  4. I hate winter, completely. I always have. When I was a kid I didn't even like it then, so I will miss fall mostly b/c it is winter.
