
Saturday, November 19, 2011

A House Full of Potty Mouths!

Most of us at some point in time will swear.  Whether its after your favorite sports team just blew the big game, or you just stubbed your toe on the firetruck your 4 year old left on the floor, at some point in time most of us have sworn.  I do it all the time!  Way more that I should!  
I remember when we brought our oldest home from the hospital, even as a newborn I was so careful not to swear around him.  When ever DH would let one slip I would give him the evil eye.  
Over the years I have noticed myself letting it slip more and more.  We will be in the car and someone will cut me off and I will let the S Word slip under my breath.  
Well recently my four year old has started to repeat everything he hears!
What is worse is that he is starting to use it in context and use it on his own!  

Few days ago his big brother did something to make him mad and he walked right up to him and said "You're a pain in the A$$". I was flabbergasted!  I didn't know what to do or how to react!  I have since tried correcting him, ignoring him (he has a tendency to repeat it over and over), punishing him, taking away privileges.  I just don't know what else to do!  

I know that I have to stop saying the words that I don't want him to repeat.  And I am again making a conscious effort to bite my tongue when I get the urge. But I also want to teach him that just because it is ok for a mommy or a daddy, or your big brother to do something does not make it ok for you.  He has this mentality that what ever anyone else does he can do.  I know it is a very toddler mentality but I'm at a loss on how to break him from it.  

Do you have a potty mouth in your house?  Do you have a little one that just doesn't seem to get it?  Help me feel more normal!  Share your story with me!


  1. My kids don't swear at all, they think saying rude/crude things is swearing. So if they start getting too "pottyish" I threaten to make them drink toilet water. "If your mouth is going to be full of potty then you may as well drink potty water." I have NEVER really made them drink it, and I don't know what I'd do if they didn't stop when they were told to, but telling them that does the trick. :-) (Hope that doesn't freak anyone out. I would NEVER really make them drink toilet water!!)

  2. My son comes home from his dad's house with a few new words every other weekend. There are two methods that work for me. First, I tell him that those are disgusting dirty words, and the people who use them prove themselves to be disgusting and dirty. He usually stops saying them because he wants to be a good, nice, clean boy. On the rare occasion that doesnt work, I threaten to wash the dirty words out of his mouth. I have taken handsoap to his toothbrush ONE time when he called me a stupid b-word. I haven't heard that word since, and I doubt I do for years to come.

  3. Your child is normal, you are normal, have no fear! My son will be three in a couple days and I have been having some of the same issues, thankfully at this point I can gently say "We don't say that, only ______ can say those words." But then I have the issue of him coming to me at random moments and rattling off the list of words that he CAN NOT say. Yeah. And I hear tell he said a** in the barn the other night. *face palm* On a funny note, he thinks the word "SON!" is a word you say when you are frustrated, but only because my husband often says "son of a biscuit" but usually mumbles the last part.
