
Monday, December 12, 2011

Soda Stream Review

My six year old is constantly bugging me to buy him pop! Pop is expensive and it is wasteful and I HATE buying it!

That is why the Soda Stream is such a great idea for our family!
I don't have to spend money on pop (I'm from Chicago we call it Pop), and I don't have to throw away tons of cans and plastic bottles!

When my Soda Stream arrived I was completely overwhelmed my the variety of flavoring choices that they sent me!

I had NO idea that had such a wide variety of drink mixes.  Everything from Natural Pop mixes, to carbonated water flavoring and even energy drinks!

The unit was simple to assemble and only took about a minute before we were ready to start using it.  

As soon as the kids got home from school and saw it on the table they were ready to make some Pop.  

I let them each chose their first flavor.  My oldest chose to make Dr. Pete (SodaStreams version of Dr. Pepper) and my middle guy went for the lemon lime.  

At first I thought it was funny that they have about 20 warnings from the time you look at the outside of the box until you actually start to carbonate about making sure that you attach the bottle to the carbonater before pressing the carbonation button and only adding the syrup to the water AFTER it had been carbonated.  Then I spoke with a few friends that didn't heed this warning, and let me tell you I am glad that I did.  Lets just say it makes a mess that I would NOT want to have to clean up!!

The first couple of batches that we made we followed the directions to a tee.  I have to say that results were a little sweet for my taste.  But that is one of the great things about this machine.  If something comes out too sweet or you want it sweeter you can always adjust the amount of syrup you ad to the bottle.  

One of my other favorite things about this machine is that it comes with smaller bottles.  This is perfect in our house!  We can make a bottle of soda and it is just enough for each of the boys, and my husband to have a glass with dinner then it is gone!  So there is no asking for more soda with dinner (that is a big no no in our house! especially since getting soda is a special treat to begin with)

Ginger Ale is one of our favorites!!

I was excited to try out the flavored water bottles.  I am not a huge Pop drinker so I was excited to see these in with my kit.  I have to say I was a bit disappointed.  I found them to be a little bitter, even after adjusting the amount of flavoring that I used.  

Overall I think that the SodaStream is a great little machine.  It is fun and easy for the kids to use and it makes a special dinner treat even more exciting when they get to make it themselves.  I am actually planning on using the SodaStream at my next family party in hopes of saving about $30 in pop purchases!

You can visit SodaStream's website to get more information about the product, order, or find local retailers.

Disclaimer: The above item was received free of cost for the purpose of a review.  All opinions are mine and are not influenced by any outside sources. 


  1. This is a really neat looking product! I like that it's easy enough that your kids could use it.

  2. I would love one of these! They look sooooo cool.

  3. OH this sounds awesome! My hubs is addicted to Mt Dew, I wonder if this would save us some time and money (and a bunch of cans!)...I will have to look into this more :)

  4. This looks so awesome and would be really fun!

  5. This looks like fun! And I agree with you about how much waste buying sodas in the store can create.

  6. This looks like a frugal alternative to buying pop in the stores. Thanks for the review!
