
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do You Pin?

I do! And I'm in love!

I was introduced to Pinterest a few weeks ago, got an invite and signed in, then didn't do anything.  I was intimidated by it all.  

I wasn't sure why but it scared me.  All these pictures, and places to click!  Where to start?  

Well tonight I jumped in with both feet and I'm in love.  I can't stop pinning! I'm addicted!  

Come pin with me!  You can follow me here.
If you need an invite feel free to leave me a comment below with your e-mail and I will happily send you one!


  1. i am the proud converter of several of my friends! its so much fun. happy addictive pinning!

  2. Hello, my name is Kathi and I am addicted to Pinterest!
