
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our New Family Rules

So we have the same basic rules in our house that I am sure most families have. 
Be Nice
Listen to your Parents
No Hitting...

Well the other day I was at TJMaxx and realised that I was going about our rules all wrong.  Yes the standards still apply, but I feel like this picture says so much more about what I want for my family.


  1. I LOVE this!! I can't wait to have kids so I can do all of these cute things and teach them so many things!!

  2. I love this. My minister read this at our wedding. Its out of a book of things kids say. I had honestly forgotten it until I started reading it. Thanks for the reminder :)

  3. I love how positive these rules are. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love the positivity! I used this post as part of the ShePromotes February Challenge - I hope you don't mind that I linked your photo too..
