
Monday, January 2, 2012

Review: HexBugs Nano Glows in The Dark Habitat

What young boy doesn't love playing with bugs?  I know mine do.  All summer long they collect bugs to put in their bug catchers.  This summer we even had a caterpillar that cocooned but never came out  =(.

As a mom the LAST thing I want is bugs in my house!  All bug catchers are required to stay outside!

Well that all changed when our HexBug Nano Habitat showed up!

We received the Nano Glows in the Dark Habitat that came with two glow in the dark HexBug Nanos.

Unlike a lot of the glow in the dark toys that are out right now this toy doesn't HAVE to be played with in the dark.  My boys love that they can bring it into their bedroom and play with all the lights off or they can turn the lights on and have just as much fun.

One of the things that my boys have really enjoyed since getting their set is searching for all of the differnt HexBugs that they can find.  Some of the bugs are a lot harder to find, and some of them are very common.  They love dragging me through the toy store to see if they can find a new bug that they don't have yet.

Besides this set they also sell add on Glow in the Dark Sets (we now have one of these) and other Hex Bug habitats and ad-ons.  Since receiving this set we have actually purchased the Hive Habitat Set and Nano Spiral Starter Set.

HexBugs and all of their greatness, including the Robotic Ants and other bugs can be purchased at most local toystores including Walmart, Target and Toys -R-Us.

The Glow in the dark set that we received above retails for about $24.99 and comes with two glow in the dark Nanos.

Nane Habitat Set was nominated for Toy of the Year!  You can vote for it here.

Disclosure: One or more of the above items was received free of cost in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are 100% mine and in no way influenced by any outside sources.


  1. My nephews would love this! These are way less creepy than real bugs.

  2. My son would love this! Very cool that they glow in the dark. Thanks for sharing :)
