
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Good Hands for the Good Life with Allstate

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Allstate for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

It has been almost a year since we packed up our little three bedroom house in the suburbs of Chicago and moved ourselves and our three boys down to South Carolina.  I remember the weeks leading up to the big move, despite the stress of the older boys finishing up the school year and trying to make sure that everything was packed, I was excited.  I was looking forward to a new start.  To be somewhere were I didn't feel like I was being judged everytime I turned around.  

The 16 plus hour drive with three kids in the car was enough to make anyone crazy, but we made it.  While dad drove through with the truck the boys and I stopped about 2 hours out and caught up on a little sleep (especially since there would be no where to sleep in the new house at 2am!) before driving the rest of the way in the next morning.  It was great!  The new neighborhood was great, we met the neighbors and the kids became instant friends.  While we were still kind of "out there" everything we could ever need was just a 5 minute car ride away.  

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks! I was away from everything I knew.  The friends that I had worked hard to make over the last few years were now over 900 miles away.  My mom, my sister and my nephew were no longer a car ride away.  I was trying to learn about a new area, a new state and a new life.  For months I felt lost.  I got pregnant and decided that I was even more lost and even more vulnerable!  Then I made a choice.  I decided that I was no longer going to be that "lost" person.  I was going to get out there and make this new place truly my home.  I went online and found groups of like minded moms and started to attend play dates that allowed me to meet more and more people and allowed my kids to be exposed to more kids outside of school.  I have definitely found my place here and I can't wait for it to continue. 

The Allstate Good Life is out to help you achive those Good Life moments.  They are striving to help create more good instead of JUST taking care of the bad.  Don't worry though, when something bad happens they will still be there!  They just want to be there for the good too! 

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You've read my good life story, now share yours with me!  How did you overcome adversity, or turn a not so great situation into a life changing improvement?

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