
Friday, January 21, 2011

Why I'm Blogging

I recently gave birth to our third son and officially became a full time SAHM!!  As much as I am enjoying and LOVING being at home with my three boys I realized pretty quickly that I was going to need a "mommy escape".  But being the frugal mommy that I am Ik new that I wouldn't be going to get a manicure every week, or heading off to the mall when Daddy got home.  So I've been inspired.  I have spent a lot of time the last few weeks reading other Momma blogs and researching a fun way that I can possibly become a WAHM Momma too.

With the birth of our third son, I have now become a member of one of the BEST and most supportive communities I have EVER seen!!  I am now officially a cloth diapering Momma!!  We started about 1 week ago and I absolutely LOVE it.  We are still using sposies at night, mostly because I am still building my stash and I don't have enough of the smaller diapers to wear them all day AND all night.   He is now about 9 1/2lbs and 21 inches.  He is fitting into the larger OS Pockets a little better, however his legs are still skinny and they are a little large around his skinny legs.  

I hope to be able to share my experiences with the rest of you and hope that in turn you are willing to share with me.

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