
Monday, January 24, 2011

Am I Really Going to Use Cloth Diapers??

If you would have asked me 5 years ago when my oldest was born if I would ever consider using cloth diapers I probably would have laughed at you.  Heck if you would have asked me 9 month ago I probably still would have laughed at you.   So how did I go from NEVER even considering it to a now fluff lovin' Momma?  Pure and utter LUCK.  But it was NOT an easy decision

When I found out that I was pregnant with m third child, I thought I had it all figured out.  We would do everything like we had with the other two.  We had the crib, the swing, the stroller and I was going to use disposable diapers.  Then one day while talking to one of my co-workers, we got into talking about how sensitive my two older boys had been.  My second child came home from the hospital with diaper rash!  She asked if I had ever considered a diaper service.  And to be completely honest I had NEVER given it even the smallest consideration.

That night I went home and started to look up local diaper services.  That is when I learned that the diapers that I had always imagined cloth diapers to be, just weren't any more!  So I reached out even further.  I put the word out to my facebook family and friends to see if anyone I knew had ever ventured into a diaper service.  That is when a friend told me about her Cloth Diaper experience. She didn't use a diaper service she washed them herself!!!  Oh my GOD!  She washes the diapers herself!!  I don't know that I could do that!!

Soooo...I researched more.  Prefolds, fitteds, AIO, AI2, Pockets...This was confusing!!  I finally decided that Pockets where the way that I wanted to go.  Simple to use and I was pretty sure that I could convince my Hubby to use them too.

We've been at it now for about (2) weeks.  Our newborn is about 3 1/2 weeks old.  I waited until his umbilical cord fell off because I could not figure out how to fold the diapers down to fit under it even though I was supposed to be able to.  We still use sposies at night and when we go out, but that is mostly because I am still building my stash and just don't have enough to use them full time.  I'm hoping to add more dipes to my stash soon so that I can use them full time!

So far Hubby has been pretty good about it.  He is still a little unsure about the snaps but he's getting there.

Now to get my wash routine down and I should be all set!!

No diaper rash yet!  and I'm saving money too.

Are you a cloth diapering Momma or Daddy?  Why did you make the change?


  1. I've been cloth diapering M since he was about 7 months old. I made the switch mainly to save $ but grew to like it. We have way too many diapers now. Mainly from r/ga's. I guess the bright side i can cloth diaper future babies as well for basically free ;)

  2. Reading your story was inspiring to me! I am a FTM due in a few weeks and planning on cloth diapering. We'll probably start off part time, working our way up to full time. Thanks for sharing! I love your blog and by reading, I think we might live in the same general area. I'm in Algonquin, IL. What is your primary resource for fluff? Any local stores or just the Internet? :).
