
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Weightless Wednesday - Week 1

About a year before I got pregnant with my precious little Colton I worked my buns off to lose close to 30 lbs (all of which I gained back while pregnant) and Weight Watchers meeting were my savior.  I could eat what I wanted when I wanted as long as I paid attention to my portions.  

So now Colton is 3 months old and I have decided that it is time to get back on the weight loss battle.  The problem that I have with diets or weight loss programs is that I NEVER hold myself accountable.  That is why the meetings worked for me before.  Every week I had to go and stand on a scale in front of a meeting leader.  Even though I knew she wouldn't criticize me if I didn't lose or gained that week it really helped me to stay focuses.  Well now I'm a SAHM and money is tight so meetings just weren't an option.   So to save some money I decided to do WW online.  And who am I holding myself accountable to?  All of you!  Each week through my journey I am going to share my successes and failures with all of you and most importantly I am going to share all of those numbers that none of us women want to share (Age, Weight, and Height).  

I signed up last week and I can't believe how much the program has changed.  I can eat all the fruit and most veggies that I want for NO points!  Instead of just basing points on Calories, Fiber and Fat, they now take into account protein and carbs too.  I haven't decided if I like this more or less than the old program but so far it is going pretty well. 

In addition to sharing all the important stuff with you I am going to try and share a favorite recipes made WW friendly.  If any of you have recipes that you would like to share with me that would be great!!

So here we go...

Week 1:
Age: 29
Height: 5'5"
Start Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 150
Weigh In: 176.2
Loss: 3.8lbs!!!
Total Loss 3.8lbs

Although I hope that my diet plan works for me, I'm also
curious about the Sensa weight loss system. Have any of you heard of
it? Any Sensa reviews to share with me?


  1. I love this. It sounds just like me. I want to loose a little more than what i gained so im pushing for 40. My baby is 3 months old the 14th and its time to get back into shape!

  2. Its hard work!!! my daughter is a little over a month old now, and im ready now lol But it is very hard to watch calories or find time to exercise with a demanding baby, and i have a 21 month old. but i do get a workout chasing her around lol good luck!
