
Thursday, May 26, 2011

BabyBond Nursing Cover Review and Giveaway

As most of you know I am no stranger to nursing my little one in public, when ever and where ever I might be.  I do however prefer to be a little modest in doing so.  This usually means wearing layers so that I can stay covered  and baby can eat.  Especially since I REFUSE to put a blanket or cover over Colton when he is eating.  Not only does he hate it but it actually makes me uncomfortable too.  

With the summer months coming I knew I would need to look at other options.  When it is 90 degrees and humid the last thing I want is to be wearing layers. So when I was given the opportunity to try out the BabyBond Nursing Wrap I was thrilled!  I chose to review the Baby Bond Couture.  

What I loved about the Couture is that it gave you two options.  You could wear it over your shoulder so that baby could be nursed through the top of your shirt...

...or you can wear it as a belly band and feed baby from under your shirt.

When I received my BabyBond I was really impressed with the feel of the fabric.  It is super soft and just think enough to still be lightweight but not feel cheap.  

The first few times I used it I used it as a belly wrap.  Since I usually feed Colton from under my shirt this just seemed natural to me.  The wrap pulled snug and stayed play really well.  It covered my from my pants all the way up to the bottom of my bra.

(There is a little bit of side boob going on here but this was mostly because Colton was being extremely uncooperative when I was trying to take pictures)

The second way to wear this wrap is over your shoulder.  I very rarely feed Colton this way out in public because I never had a reasonable way to cover the mommy parts and still be able to make contact with Colton and keep him happy.  This wrap has been GREAT!  This past weekend was Colton's Baptism and I was wearing a dress which would have been nursing from the underside of anything impossible!  I was instead able to put the wrap on unbutton the top of the dress and Colton latched right on.

I will say that I am still getting used to wearing the wrap over my shoulder and trying to get the best fit for us.  I have larger breasts and have a hard time keeping the warp over them, especially since Colton's favorite thing to do while nursing is to play with my bra straps.  This means now he is playing with the wrap instead and tends to pull off my breast a lot! 

You can actually see him trying to grab onto the wrap in the picture.  

All in All I think this is an Awesome product!  It was a life saver for me over the weekend and it will definitely get lots of use. My favorite things about it are that I can take it on and off as needed.  I don't have to wear layers of clothing to keep covered up.  I also get to bond with my little while nursing and I can keep an eye on his latch and really have that great mommy/baby time with him.

One more great feature is that it is super easy to travel with!  It rolls up into a nice neat pocket and fits great in a diaper bag!

Do you want one for yourself?

Go to BabyBond and pick one up for yourself!
Use the Code TAILOR and receive 25% off your purchase!!

BabyBond has generously offered to give a BabyBond Nursing Wrap to one of my awesome readers!

Click HERE  to enter.

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I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using created by Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with not covering up, if people don't like it they can look away. But this cover looks quite comfortable and something I might actually use!
