
Monday, May 23, 2011

NIP - Where do you do it?

As many of you know already I am not shy about Nursing my little man in public.  When he wants or needs to eat he does especially since we started having weight issues!  

I've nursed everywhere from Church (twice this week), restaurants, walking around the park while my older boys played, walking through the mall, the Dr's office.  I think I could go on and on..  

He is what I find strange about it.  I look, and I don't think I have EVER seen another women nursing her baby in a public place!  Now don't get be wrong.  I'm not gawking over every women I see with a baby to see if she is nursing, but I've just NEVER seen it.  

I'm I just missing them, or are there just not many NIP momma's in my neck of the woods.

Where do you nurse your little??


  1. hmm, anywhere he wants. most recently at a bridal shower sunday but notable public places include the lawn for the national capitol, on a bench next to the lincoln memorial and random parks in my hometown. i rarely see people nursing as well, a few weeks ago i saw a woman nursing on a bench at brookfield zoo though.

  2. Lifegroup pretty much every week. Church nursery. MOPS meetings. Dressing rooms at Ross and Motherhood maternity.

  3. I breastfed anywhere and everywhere. Soccer games, shopping malls, parks, my car, restaurants, dressing rooms... The only time I ever tried to be discreet was if there were children around who may have been uncomfortable. It didn't matter to me if adults were uncomfortable though. Baby comes first, and I know I have the right to that.

    <3 Amanda

    Check out my blog!!

  4. This will be my first time breastfeeding. I was very Uneducated with my other two kids. I'm a very shy person when it comes to things in public so we'll see how I am about nip :)

  5. Anywhere and everywhere. Grocery stores and restaurants. We took my daughter to Friendly's the other day with my sister and I NIP'ed. My sister was amazed and my daughter sat there giggling.
    I always layer my clothes. Lift up my shirt and pull down my tank top. Or I wear a nursing shirt to make it easier. Sometimes we cover with a blankie but he always pulls it off...

  6. I haven't been out too much with him places yet, but we've nursed at the mall. I've also done it at a lamaze class reunion.

  7. I usually try to find a quiet place or go out to my car. Not because I am necessarily embarrassed to nurse in pubic, but mainly because if there are any distractions around my little one won't eat :)!
