
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh my aching back!

I am in desperate need of a new baby carrier!!
I currently have an OLD Baby Bjorn carrier.  And when I say old I mean old!  It was a hand me down when my 5 year old was born.  It gets the job done but it kills by back!  There is NO lumbar support and with my two oldest I stopped using it when they hit like 6 months because I just couldn't do it any more!!  
Now the question is what do I get?  Structured, soft structured, sling. There are just too many choices!


  1. bjorns are horrible! and not good for your baby either. I don't remember why but it has something to do with the way it holds the baby by the crotch.

    I have a beco I LOVE, an angelpack I LOVE, a babyhawk mei tai I really like, and a gira woven wrap I cannot figure out. I would LOVE to try a ring sling :)

  2. i just got an ergo off of from my mom for mother's day and i am in love! we have a maya wrap that i used when my son was a newborn, but he is too wiggly for it now at 9 months (and walking!). there is a huge difference from the ergo though, i feel no pressure points at all when i am wearing him. i have not even had it a week and i have worn him on 3 walks (all of which he fell asleep and stayed sleeping for over an hour) and doing yardwork today (digging a hole to plant a lilac bush for my mom) and my back does not hurt today. i have the sport which i really like because it has a little air vent, my son gets really hot and sweaty. i know ergos are pricey, but they are really worth the money. also, they are on sale right now through my favorite diaper store (only for a few more hours though) in DeKalb, IL. they have free shipping for orders over $35.

  3. Get a mei tai! I have not loved any other carrier...and I've tried everything! I got a TogetherBe MeiTai a couple months ago and ADORE it! It's so comfy for momma and baby!

  4. Ergo baby carriers are supposed to be great. I have a baby due in August, and I am going to get one of these. I didn't have a Baby Bjorn for my firstborn, but a knock-oof brand. I only used it really when we traveled, but it was very uncomfortable. Good luck!
