
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Weightless Wednesday - Week 5 - Slow and Steady

I know I am a day late, but better late than never!

I feel like I am finally getting into the swing of things here.  Despite two BIG Italian parties I still managed to lose weight this week!  I'm really learning to fill up on things like fruits and vegetables and only have small portions of the things that I LOVE like pasta and pizza!  

I know that it sounds simple.  Eat the things that are good for you, but when the things that aren't so good for you are put in front of you those are the things that you want to eat.  And I know that I can't deprive myself! I have to have my ice cream and my sweets. I have to have my french fries and hot dogs.  I'm just relearning to eat them in moderation.  If I want to have my ice cream I either buy a single serving (I know it costs more but it keeps to on track) or I buy the slow churned so that I get less fat.  I order the small fry at McDonalds instead of the Medium or Large.  All the little things help!  They satisfy my craving with out killing my progress!  

Here are a few other tips that have helped me this week:
1) Use a smaller plate.  We eat first with our eyes and on a smaller plate a small portion looks much bigger!
2) Cut your food one piece at a time and cut it into small pieces.  It makes you eat slower and allows your body to feel full when it truly is full and not after you have eaten too much.
3) When eating things like Ice Cream use a baby spoon.  I have a bad habit of scarfing my Ice Cream and then wanting more because I didn't enjoy it.  A small spoon forces me to eat slower and really enjoy it!  

What helps you stay on track.  What tricks and tips do you have or use?

Week 5:
Age: 29
Height: 5'5"
Start Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 150
Weigh In: 171.6
Loss: -1lbs
Total Loss 8.4lbs

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