
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Big Latch On

On August 6th women all over the world will be gathering with their nurslings to bring awareness to breastfeeding and it benefits.  I am going to be participating with my little peanut at the Woodstock, IL location.  

We will be meeting at 10am CST at Centegra Hospital!  

Is there a location near you?
You can check here.

No location close by register your own!!  You only need to have 2 people for it to be a counted location and then just get two people to be witnesses (dad's work great!!)
For more info on registering your own location check out the official Big Latch On website.

Even if you can't be at a location or aren't able to start your own you can always be with us in spirit!  

I can't wait to participate!
Are you participating?  Where? 
If not will you nurse with us in spirit??

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