
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Loving Lunch - OctoDogs

Lunch in our house can sometimes be a bore.
The kids only eat certain things, I tend to not really eat lunch and they just get bored with it.  So we try and make lunch fun.  

Today's fun lunch was OctoDogs and rice!

Do you want to make an OctoDog!  It is super easy!

Start by warming some water in a pot.  Go about 3/4 of the way up the hotdog and cut the legs.  Try to get 8 but if you don't its ok.  Maybe your kids could come up with a fun story about how OctoDog lost an leg.  

With the point of the knife out in two small eyes and a mouth.  
Put the hotdog in the simmering water for about 7 minutes. 

As the hotgod cooks the legs will curl and the eyes and mouth will open up slightly.


  1. We make octodog spaghetti. I don't remember where I found the recipe. You cut the hot dogs into 3 pieces and that is the head/body. then you stick spaghetti noodles through it to make the legs. stick them in boiling water until noodles are cooked!

  2. my mom used to make them when we were little and put them on baked beans and call them octopus on the rocks and put them on mac n cheese and call them octopus on the beach :)

  3. love it for when my baby gets bigger and eats real food.. cute idea!

  4. My friend was telling me how she made these the other day and her kids wouldn't touch them. Haha. Sometimes things like this can backfire on you ;-)
