
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Making Time for DH

Do you ever feel like you have too many balls in the air?

This week I'm feeling overwhelmed.  Between trying to stay on top of this blog, maintaining a Facebook fan site, being a mommy of 3 of the most incredible little boys in the world, trying to run a small business, be a homemaker, and on top of all of that try to be a loving and understanding wife, I feel like I have dropped them all this week!

I've been trying to build my blog and blog following knowing that I can bring better reviews and giveaways to all my great fans the more I take care of my blog. I have reviews to finish and content to complete but I just haven't been able to get to it.  

My boys of course take up the majority of my day!  Between feeling like I am literally nursing ALL day long, trying to find time to play board games with my older two boys.  Making them lunch, doing dishes, doing laundry.  

For those of you who don't know I run a small handmade crafts business out of my home.  I have been so tired by the time it is "work" time for mommy I'm exhausted but need to work through it.   

And now you mean I need to try and find time for my husband too!!  I think of all things in my life this is what I have neglected the most.  I make excuses.  I am a stay at home mom of 3 BOYS. I have a baby that nurses like 8 million times a day, and wakes up at least 3 times at night.  I have a 4 year old that wakes up at least once a night to go to the bathroom, and a 5 year old that can't  sit still.  
I do like 4 loads of laundry a day, I swear my sink is ALWAYS full of dishes and I swear my counter makes things magically appear on it!

But I need to stop making excuses.  If it wasn't for my wonderful Husband I wouldn't have my three great boys.  I wouldn't have the amazing opportunity that I have to be a stay at home momma.  The house we live in would be non-existent.  More or less everything in my life that is great is because of my husband.  So why do I neglect him so much!  Why do I take what I have for granted.  

It's not intentional.  I truly think that it is a part of marriage that I need to figure out.  
So this week I am making a conscience effort to pay more attention to my husband.  Whether it be just watching a movie on the couch, no phones and no computer. Or finding time to be intimate, this week is all about the wonderful man I call my husband!


  1. Thank you for the loving reminder that without our amazing husbands we wouldn't be where we are today - lucky to have our wonderful kids, be able to spend time at home with our kids, and also to be fortunate to have their support with our WAHM businesses. I appreciate the encouragement to spend some quality moments with my man !

  2. Ditto on Jessica. My hubby tends to take the brunt of my frustrations, and i need to remind myself to be more loving and patient with him.. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. Most of my blogging or reading books for review happens after everyone goes to bed, including hubby. I just make a conscious choice to skip my late night work every few days and to spend time with hubby in the evenings before bed time, too,.

  4. You are so not alone in this! My kids are older so I don't have the babies on top of it lol, but I get so wrapped up in my blog that I have had to tell myself that after 8:30 is hubby time. He has been much happier since I could pencil him in :)

  5. I totally understand where you are coming from, you are not alone! So many moms struggle to balance every thing that something inevitably gets left behind.....I'm so there right now! My poor hubby hears all the complaints I have when he comes home, when really, I should welcome him home each evening with love, kindness, and a hot dinner! Working on it. Don't beat yourself up too much, it's so easy for this to happen! :)

  6. I understand - it's hard to juggle it all and make sure everyone is happy.

  7. I'm feeling you girl! Although, those times have passed, I distinctly remember them and still find it hard to put the laptop down and pay attention to household and relationship matters. Efficiency and organization are the key, but "you" time is utmost.
