
Friday, September 9, 2011

Bananalious "Milk Shakes"

If your kids are anything like mine, they ask for dessert EVERY night.
Well I don't know about you but I am not about to load my kids up with cookies, cake, and ice cream every night!

That is exactly why this "dessert" is perfect!!

What you need:

4 VERY ripe bananas cut into chunks and frozen
2/3 Cups of Milk (approximate)

How to Make it:

Add a small about of the milk to the bottom of your food processor.
Dump in bananas and pulse the food processor until the bananas start to breakdown.
Slowly add the remaining milk.  You may or may not need it all.
Add is slowly and check for texture of your mixture.  
Add more milk for a "shake" like consistency, less for a "soft serve" consistency.

Pour into glasses, top with a little Chocolate Syrup and enjoy!

Doesn't get much healthier then milk and bananas for dessert!!!


  1. haha my mom made us those a LOT while were growing up! Delicious!

  2. looks yummy, will have to make those for my kids. they will love them. wonder what it would be like with a little bit of peanut butter added.
