
Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Last Six Years

The last six years have been the most AMAZING years of my life!!

On this day 6 years ago after 19 1/2 hours of unsuccessful labor and a C-Section my baby boy was born!  
He weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 21 1/2 inches long, but more importantly he was PERFECT!

1 week old

I never in my life imagined that I could love someone so quickly and so deeply.  The second that they put in in my arms I knew that I would never be lonely, I would never want for love and affection.  He was and is EVERYTHING that I could ever need!!  

Over the last six years he has pushed my patients in ways I never knew possible.  And I will admit sometimes he made my lose my patience, not to mention my mind, my figure, and my freedom.  All sacrifices I was and am happy to have made.

Brayden December 2010

My baby started Kindergarten this year.  I can't believe how quickly life has just flown by and I look forward to the next 60+ years of watching him grow and mature from my little boy to a man.  

I hope nothing but the best for him.  I wish him love, and happiness, and hope that someday he can experience the same joy and happiness of having a baby of his own. 

I know he is only six but these are the things that go through my head when I think about how quickly he has grown already.  

Happy 6th Birthday Brayden!
I love you now and forever!!!

6 years old with a New Bike!

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