
Sunday, October 30, 2011


I already like to think of myself as a SUPER Mom.  But the reality of it is more days than not I feel like a less than average everyday Mom.  

Most days I feel like I am too tired to even get out of bed, let along spend the afternoon wrestling on the floor with a 4 and 6 year old.  By the time that I get the older boys out the door for school (one at 8am and the other at noon) I just need a mental break.  But the day is just getting started.  There is cleaning to do, errands to run, a baby to take care of and then 3 hours later two more boys that want to wrestle again!

Don't get me wrong.  I think I am a great mom.  Yes I yell at my kids more than I would like, there are days that dinner might consist of left over pasta with shaky cheese, and a few baby carrots.  I probably let them watch more television than I should, because sometimes honestly I just need a break.

For a long time I thought that made me a bad Mom.  That meant that my kids were going to grow up and be hooligans because well, I wasn't Super Mom.  Then the other day I realized something.  I'm not perfect, but that doesn't mean that I'm not SUPER.

The other day my son come up to me with a book that he had to learn to read for school, and asked if I could help him with some of the words.  So we sat on the couch and he read me the book.  When he got stuck I would help him.  Then it happened.  He looked at me and said "Mom, you are GREAT", hugged me and walked away.

That's when I knew.  That it didn't matter if I wasn't THE perfect Mom.  But I was the PERFECT mom for my boys.  I am and always will be a SUPER Mom!

When did you realize you were a super mom?  Share your story with me!


  1. I love this, it's a great reminder for all of us. One of my proudest moments as a mom was one that I thought would be a hard one. We had to go to an autistic assessment for our son who I knew wasn't autistic, but a speech therapist felt he was. So we went and the team there all did their assessing of him. At the end, one of them looked at me, and said "you are the perfect mother for your son, you are everything he needs and you are doing a great job". That to me was huge, and I am so glad you get it, and are sharing with others!

  2. I tell myself daily, "I am fully equipped to be their mother, and I have everything my child needs." Doesn't mean I believe it everyday, but most days I do, and I love that the Lord trusted ME with them!
