
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why I Love My Fellow Momma Bloggers - w/ link up

Yesterday was full of, to put it bluntly, a lot of negativity towards some of my fellow mom bloggers and in my opinion myself.

There are some out there who think that because we spend time improving, writing, and promoting our blogs on a daily basis, we are now bad moms.

Well here is what I have to say about it. We are all GREAT moms!  Many of us have the privledge of being home with our children EVERY day!  Some of us work full time jobs, come home to our children and still find the energy to blog once I kids are in bed.  Even when we are at home we are never STUCK.
We are workhorses!  We are dedicated and motivated.  But more than anything else we are AWESOME, INCREDIBLE, and AMAZING moms (and dads).

If it wasn't for my fellow mom bloggers I would not be where I am today.  I have learned so much from them.  Even though I do not know each of them personally, everyone of them has been incredibly helpful to me.  They are all passionate about what they do, they have respect for their fellow moms and colleagues.

They don't judge me, or the amount of time I spend on my blog.  Whether I post 2 times a week or 4 times a day.

They make me laugh.

They help me though difficult times.

I LOVE my fellow Momma Bloggers. No matter what anyone says about me or them!!!

Lets show all the Momma bloggers some love! Do you love a Mom (or dad) Blogger?  Take a few minutes to tell her so!


  1. I love your and other mom blogs because I learn from u. For example, I was inspired by blogs to suddenly cloth diaper and it's a change I have now embraced. Also, I laugh, cry, and see myself in these blogs. :)

  2. I've always admired your, and other mom bloggers, dedication to 'talking' to us when you're probably tired and stressed and burnt out from being awesome moms!!! You help me feel slightly normal, because there are other moms out there going through exactly the same things, but you take the time to write them down and share!! God bless you guys, and thank you!!! Love from New Mexico!!!

  3. I love my Mommy Blogger friends...they're awesome and supportive and goodhearted and...well, you know. I'm so glad to have all you folks as friends. I think you gals (and guys) are the best!!

    Kristin :)

  4. I hope I was supposed to put my url there....Thanks so much for the props. I will never understand how the mind of ignorance works and am still just in awe of yesterdays events.

    Thanks for "getting" it and recognizing that being a mom who blogs is a blessing that allows many of us to provide for the children that we are supposedly parenting poorly..and if we are lucky we get to share some of the wealth with our readers.

    We have the best of both worlds...cyber space and our own space.

    If that makes me a bad mom, guess I'll take it.Thanks love :)

  5. Sadly my hubs is one of those that thinks I spend too much time of the computer. What he doesn't see is all the time I spend with the kids. Yes, he comes in and I am on the computer, then he comes in later and I am probably at the computer. He seems to fail to notice that is the chair I sit in to nurse (which is about the only time I get stuff done on the computer during the day).

    I appreciate all you other mommy bloggers because I am one and I know how hard it can be! I don't post much, it takes me a couple days just to get a post ready.

  6. Thank you for posting this! Others have NO right to judge another's parenting. I post often because I am a stay at home mom who LOVES the blogging world, but that doesn't mean I neglect my daughter. I blog when she's napping, watching movies, in her high chair, or after she goes to sleep at night. When the baby is busy, it doesn't mean you can't be!

  7. You rock! I have a six year old son, and I get as much done while he's at school as possible. I blog and write for my freelance gigs. I also write when he's in bed, or during his nightly "TV time." I spend tons of time with him after school and on weekends. A lot of my reviews involve him as well. I am trying to turn my blog into something that can help support us financially, so I can spend even more time with him. It's just the two of us, so yes, I spend a lot of time working and blogging, but I don't have anyone else to help out financially.

    Without support from other Mommy bloggers, and bloggers in general, I wouldn't have made it this far. I have a long way to go before I'm where I want to be, but at least I'm not in it alone!

  8. I have met some great women through blogging! Helpful, supportive mom bloggers, like you, rock!

  9. I love you ladies! *Most* members of the blogging community are very supportive and non-judgmental of each other. We all blog for different reasons and in different ways. Let's not let one bad apple dampen our spirits :)

  10. I really like mom bloggers because they are so kind and supportive! I have no friends here who cloth diaper, so mom bloggers have been an amazing support on helping me to get my diapers ready for baby #1 to be born in November!

  11. Thanks for the awesome post. I am a Mommy blogger and the only time I get anything done is during nap time (now) or night night time. I love all my fellow Mommy bloggers (except one) and support them in any way I can. My blog would not be where it is today without you wonderful ladies. We are amazing Mommies and some people are just jealous!

  12. I love learning from each other being it blogging, or items to make our lives more interesting. I read about crafts to do for my boys, learn to help financially around the house, get recipes to make dinner, get encouragement that this too shall pass when I am having a rough time.

  13. I couldn't have said this better myself! It's better to spend time building each other up, than tearing each other down! I heart you guys too :)
