
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fun With Google

Ok admit it, you use Google ALL the time.  I bet most of you used it in the last hour or so!
Well I'm going to show you something about Google that I bet you didn't know!

It can actually be FUN! 
And you can amaze your friends and co-workers with these amazing Google tricks.
Ok maybe not but they are still pretty funny.

Open Google in another screen and prepare to be amazed.  Ok well prepare to maybe go "what the..."

In the Google search bar type "do a barrel roll" and hit enter.

Are you amazed yet?

Ok next clear your search bar and type "askew"

Pretty cool huh?
Ok try this one "what is the loneliest number"

Do you know now?

Ok now this one is really fun!
Do a search for "Google Gravity" and click on the first link.  And what ever you do PLEASE don't break Google!!

Ok so here is on more for you!  I saved the best for last!
in your Google search bar type "Where is Chuck Norris" and click on the first link.

Did you find him?

Ok so this isn't magic or really all that amazing but it is definitely fun and a good way to kill a little time.  

Want more here is a link to all of the little Google loop holes.
So did you laugh?  Which one is your favorite

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