
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks - A Thanksgiving Poem

Three little boys
and all of their toys.
A dog and a cat
Thank goodness no rat.
A dear dear Hubby,
Who likes to get chummy.

On most days they make me crazy
And they keep me anything but lazy!
But today I can tell you true
There is no one else that could do

I'm thankful for all the noises
You wouldn't believe came from three little boys!
I'm thankful for the milk stained couch
That makes my husband quite a grouch!

I'm thankful for the late night movie
In fact I think it's pretty groovy
For all the goodnight kisses
And that I get to be his Misses.

365 days a year
and every time I've shed a tear.
I'm thankful for three boys and all their toys.
A dog, a cat, and DEFINITELY no rat.
And even my chummy Hubby!

I hope you liked my Thanksgiving Rhyme!
And that it didn't take up too much time
If your feeling thankful too
I'd love to read about it in the loo!
(yes I read my e-mails in the bathroom!)
A Very Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the people in your life that you are thankful for. 
May your table be plentiful and your pants have an elastic waist band!

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