
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why So Much Drama?

If there is one thing I really hate its drama!
From my little men making too much out of nothing, to grown adults not being able to be civil for a nice holiday dinner!

I can forgive a 6 year old for over reacting when I tell him he can't have another cupcake.  There is a good chance he is tired or something else is going on and sometimes he just can't control his emotion.
What I can't forgive is a group of grown adults who find it necessary to ruin what should be a happy and joyous day of celebration with petty arguing.

As we usually do we spent Thanksgiving dinner with my husbands family.  He has a SUPER small family so when my family of five doesn't show up there is almost no one there!  

I have more or less already disowned my BIL. He is selfish and disrespectful and I no longer feel that there is a place for him in life of my children.  
My MIL never really liked me until we had kids.  Then she decided that I wasn't awful.  She has had a lot of health problems as of late, and I feel bad for her.  All she has close by is her almost 90 year old parents and they treat her like she is a child still.  Granted much of that treatment is deserved but I hate that they show her NO respect!

So anyway, back to the drama!  Today was supposed to be a day for giving thanks for the wonderful things and people in our lives.  Instead it turned into a pissing match about who hated who more and who didn't deserve to be there for dinner.  All from a bunch of grown-ups!!

Come on people.  We all have our differences, but get over it!  Control your emotions for a few hours and treat people with respect! Don't make people cry and show a bad example for your grandkids/great-grandkids/nephews!  They learn from what they see and if all they see is you treating people poorly don't be surprised when they start to treat you badly too!

Thanks for letting me rant.  I really needed it!

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