
Saturday, November 5, 2011

How far does your cloth obsession go?

So you all already know that I am obsessed with cloth diapers!  I just can't get enough, and I know I am not the only one!  My reader base is FULL of crazy CD loving mommas!
But how far does your obsession go?

I love my cloth diapers and I am going to be sad when Colton is potty trained because I won't be able to buy anymore.  But I recently received my first set of Mama Cloth and I have to say I think I am in love!  It is sooo much more comfortable than the yucky disposables, there are no gross chemicals and they look pretty.  

I am in desperate need of some un-paper towels and I have been trying to convince DH that family cloth is a GREAT idea.  So far he isn't buying it.

So how Cloth Crazy is your family?  Do you us family cloth and mama cloth?  Or do you draw the line at cloth diapers?


  1. We use cloth diapers, cloth wipes, cloth napkins (at least i do, hubby fights me on that one), and i use the Diva Cup and mama cloth!! Looking back, i guess i'm pretty green!! Don't really recycle.. It's not easy where i live, but i guess i just need to put more effort into it. Love your blogs!!! :)

  2. We use cloth diapers, cloth wipes at home, disposable wipes on the go, a mioxture of cloth dish towels/paper towels, we recycle magazines, glass, cans, aluminum, & plastic. I don't use mama cloth, but would be open to a Diva cup, but haven't had a period in 2 yrs or so due to breastfeeding my almost-10 month old son.

  3. I use Cloth Diapers and Cloth Wipes. I LOVE them! I'm a fanatic also...I even have some sweet Cloth giveaways coming to my blog in the next few days; because I'm hoping to show my readers just how amazing they are! I have a few that like cloth also...but I'd like to find more that share my I'm a new GFC fan so I can join in your Cloth discussion.

    JadeLouise Designs

  4. We use cloth diapers and unpaper towels. I should use mama cloth or the diva cup because even though I was breastfeeding exclusively, on demand my period came back 6 weeks postpartum!!!
