
Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Need To Vent

So I am a Work At Home Mom.  I'm proud of that fact and I cherish EVERY day with my kids.  Yes there are days that I want to scream and pull my hair out, today being one of those days, but I still wouldn't trade it for the world!

Being a WAHM means that almost every second of my day is planned around my kids.  When I eat, when I shower, heck even when I go to the bathroom is determined by my kids.  That also means that I get VERY little adult interaction or me time.  DH works a crazy schedule and all this week he has been out the door before the kids get up and home shortly after they go to bed.  By the time he gets home, and I finish cleaning up the day or finishing laundry or whatever else I am doing I'm pooped and ready for bed.  Yet I stay up for at LEAST an hour just to have a little "time" with DH.  

So what do I need to vent about?  Well my mom is coming over to our house for the first time in MONTHS tonight.  It was last minute and she offered to watch the kids so that DH and I could get out for a little bit.  So all excited I called him and told him the great news just to find out that I had forgotten he already had plans tonight.
Well maybe I'm being selfish, in fact I'm pretty sure I am, but I'm really upset that he didn't cancel or, at the very least, rearrange his plans so that I could be included in them.

Again, I'm sure I am being selfish but after the day I had today I really could have used the time out.  I don't really have any friends in the area that I could call up and hang out with last minute so my only other option would be to go out alone, and I'm just not feeling that tonight.  So it looks like Spaghetti and Meatballs with the kiddos and watching Cars 2 for the 3rd time in 2 days for me tonight.

Thanks for letting me get that out! 


  1. Sorry you didn't get your chance at a night out. For what it's worth, I would have been mad too.

  2. I would have been upset too. Though I would be more surprised if my hubs had plans! We never do anything besides work :( Well, we do go out for our anniversary, but that is about it, unless it is a family thing (Major holidays, family birthdays, etc).
