
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Bear!

Five years ago today was one of the worst and one of the best days of my entire life!  Five years ago I gave birth to my Bear via a scheduled C-section.  

Why would this be one of the worst days of my life?  Well let me start from the beginning.  I didn't want to have another C-section.  In fact I had my heart set on a VBAC.  Then at my 30 week Ultrasound, my little bears head measured at 36 weeks!  

Can you say OUCH.  At that point my doctor told me that if I didn't deliver on my own by my due date he didn't want me to risk a VBAC with a head that large.  So on December 26 I started to have some random contractions and by about 5 am they were pretty consistent.  We went to the hospital and by noon they were gone.  

So since Bear was due on January 1st we scheduled the C-section from December 29 to ensure that my Doctor would at least be there to deliver him.  

We got to the hospital at about 5:30 for some blood work and prepping for a 7:30 C-section.  At 7:15 the came in and made me drink the gross stuff that is supposed to keep you from getting sick that ALWAYS makes me want to vomit (I had to drink it 2 more times that day) and told me it would be soon.  About 5 minutes later the nurse came in and told me that we were delayed as my doctor was pushing with someone else.

To keep this short, after my doctor delivering 3 other babies that day and 2 ER c-sections ahead of me, it was about 4:00 when my doctor finally came in and told me that we were ready.  They took me down to the OR, gave me my spinal and what seemed like minutes later my little man, big head and all, was here.  

After a VERY VERY long day he was there and perfect.  He nursed in recovery and was just precious.  

Happy Birthday to my Fuzzy Bear!  I love you baby and wouldn't change a thing!!


  1. Happy Birthday to him! Today is my birthday too! :)

  2. Happy birthday to him. Delivery stories are always interesting.

  3. Oh I do love birth stories. Happy birthday to you and him. A very special day no matter how many years go by.
