
Friday, January 6, 2012

Inspired by the Ones We Love

My children have changed my life in ways that I could never imagine.  I would not be the person I am today with out them.  Most days I have trouble finding the words to express how they make me feel.  I found these quotes that really help to sum up how I feel about my boys.


  1. Those are awesome thank you for sharing they are truly inspirational and reminders that our little ones are so special.

  2. I totally just pinned the 2nd to last one tonight! Our children a complete gifts from God!

  3. Those are some great quotes! I really liked that second one. Love my daughters but they truly do push me to the brink of insanity. - SASS

  4. So sweet! I love babies, but I'm glad mine are nearly all grown.

  5. Some beautiful quotes. It's amazing really how much you can love another person - no matter what. It doesn't matter if they are little or big. They tug at your heart strings. SASS

  6. It's all about that first pic - the adorable baby. Why are babies everywhere right now? I'm talking everywhere - even hubby is starting to talk about more ovaries hurt! LOL
    -SASS (host)

  7. I have a little girl but these are still fitting!

  8. I have a small little business doing vinyl wall decor and I get so many beautiful quotes that I just want to steal! I love the ones you chose. It really is amazing how they change your lives isn't it!

  9. I love these! Pinned it on my board via Pinterest! :)

  10. Those are such sweet quotes. That first one with the photo? So cute! Thanks for sharing.

    Visiting you tonight from the SASS hop. I hope you have a great week!

  11. Very sweet quotes, thanks for sharing!

  12. Yes, motherhood is a truly amazing experience. Even with all the frustrations and tears, it is totally worth it!
