
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Recycle - Bottle Top Stamps

I think just about every time I go to the craft store I find myself buying at least package of foam stickers.  My kids love them and they make a great addition to just about ANY craft project.  And except for a little bit of paper they are super clean!

I was on Pinterest recently (go figure) and came across this picture of bottle tops used to make stamps and I had to give it a try!

We don't really drink soda so I decided that I was going to save the tops off of my milk jugs and Gatorade bottles.
Making the stamps was super easy! All you have to do is find some foam stickers that are smaller than the circumference of the bottle top and stick it on.

I found that I really liked the way that the milk tops worked.  You could put bigger stickers on them and I think it was easier for little fingers to hold onto and press onto the paper. 

Have fun stamping!!


  1. Those are so cute. What a great idea. I am always looking for more stamps.

  2. Great idea for those little hands.

  3. Cute idea! I love easy DIY crafting supplies.

  4. I LOVE this! I always try to reuse as much as I can. Thanks for the idea.

  5. Great site! I would love to do a link exchange with you.

    Dancing With Words
