
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Walk Baby, Walk!

Colton is almost 13 months old! I can't believe it.  He has gotten so big and changed so much of the last few months.  He is turning from a baby into a little boy all too quickly!

But there is one thing that he is taking his sweet precious time with.  The boy REFUSES to walk! 
I know most mom's who have been around the block once or twice before don't usually look forward to their babies walking, but I am not those moms.  I HATE the crawling stage and Colton has been doing it since he was 5 months old.
I wouldn't say that my house is messy but I have a 5 and 6 year old in the house and I am constantly picking things up off the floor, or out of Colton's mouth, because he is right there and can see everything!  I just need my baby to walk already!

My oldest started walking at 11 months.  My middle son was 10 months.  When is this little booger going to walk?  I know it will happen, I just wish it would happen now.

When did your littles start walking?


  1. fully walking 3 days after his first birthday. I wasn't ready for that! Hehe

  2. My son was 14 months before he really started trying to walk. And 3 weeks later, he is still crawling sometimes.

  3. My boys both started walking at 15 months. My daughter is 9.5 months, and she's still not even trying to crawl, so I'm sure she'll be another late walker. Enjoy these non walking days while they last :)

  4. Jimmys 14 months now but he started walking at like 9 months!!

  5. I walked at 9 months, but my sister didn't walk to her 1 year birthday. I'm hoping my little girl follows in my footsteps so to speak.
