
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why I Do The Cooking

Would this happen in your house if you let your husband do the cooking?

This is not my picture and no this has not happened in my house.  But I can totally see it happening!

What funny things have happened in your kitchen?


  1. LOL! That's great. In our house we share cooking duties and I don't think this would happen, but it might. He has been known to set wooden spoons on fire from time to time

  2. A few years ago when my husband and I lived in a small apartment, we didn't have much space in the kitchen. I sometimes would put larger things in the oven after I washed them to dry. One time I came home from the gym and turned the oven on to preheat while I took a shower. It smelled absolutely terrible when I got out. I had left a bright blue plastic colander in the oven. It was EVERYWHERE, and a total pain in the rear to clean up!

  3. i do not even know how i found your blog but am so glad i did, this is the funniest thing i have seen today and i needed it

  4. OMGosh I LOLed at that pic!! I once put my electric kettle in my oven to free up counter space and a little later on I preheated my yeah you can imagine how that one turned out :O

  5. Actually that would be me more than him LOL! I actually set his Mom's oven mitts on fire once, and he said "Don't worry they are old, I gave them to her for a Mother's Day present when I was 12"....yeah she had them that long and they were pristine...she was great, but I felt like crap.

  6. love it....that's about what would happen in my house- plus he NEVER cleans up so I just have more work ;)
