
Friday, February 10, 2012

Organize your OnLine Life with Clipix

Do you find yourself browsing the internet and bookmarking page after page of articles, or pictures, that you want to come back to later?  Then later you are going through all your bookmarks and find that you can't remember what you bookmarked or where you put it?  I do this ALL the time.  If I come across a great blogging article, or sometimes its just something funny that I want to share with my husband later.  I am ALWAYS bookmarking.

Well now I can bookmark all the pages I want to return to AND easliy keep them organized!  clipix is a new online organizer.  It allows you to easily bookmark an article or picture or what ever you want and categorize it easily so that you can come back to it later.


I have a board for blogging articles, and a board just for articles I think are interesting and want to be able to read later in the day. 

One of my favorite things about Clipix is that you can chose what you want to make public and what you want to keep to yourself.  While I find my blogging articles interesting most of my facebook friends are really going to care, so I can chose very easily NOT to share them, but I might have some great parenting articles that my friends will find informative.  Those I can share easily with just the click of the mouse!. 

You can watch this informative video for more info on Clipix and how it works.

Go to and sign up for your own account and let me know here what kind of things you will be clipping!

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