
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Staples Co-Founder Claims #Breastfeeding at Work Will Costs Jobs

I was browsing the Internet today and came across this article quoting Tom Stemberg, one of the co-founders of the office supply store Staples, as saying that requiring a place for lactating mothers to pump or nurse their children will cost this country jobs and money. 

Apparently he thinks that Obamas new laws requiring all states to provide a "lactation chamber" as Mr. Stemberg so lovingly refers to them will inhibit companies from being able to open new locations and therefore cost the company jobs, or if you ask me cost the company profits.  

In my opinion my this is just another way for him to say, why take care of our employee's and their needs when I can make more money by opening a new store.  

I think Mr. Stemberg needs to look at the bigger picture.
1. Many states have required this for years!  A designated place for nursing mom's to pump does not have to be a room exclusivly for moms to pump.  As long as it is a private room and NOT a bathroom it is acceptable.  Most managers have private offices that can be locked.  Is it too much to ask that a nursing mother be allowed to use the office for 15 minutes a few times a day?
2. Babies who are breastfed tend to be healthier as do their mothers.  In turn this will save a company on Health care costs as well as sick days as a mom is less likely to take off time to take care of a sick child or their own health.
3. You've just managed to piss off a HUGE portion of the population with one simple and silly statement!  Lack of support of Breastfeeding moms is not going to help you win a popularity contest!  Its going to cost you good employees as well as good customers!  

Let me ask you this Mr. Stemberg, where do you want these mothers to pump milk for their precious little babies?  In the bathroom?  Well the next time you want to eat lunch while at one of your stores why don't you go do it in the bathroom and tell us how comfortable you feel with it?

I for one will be purchasing my office supplies elsewhere from here on out and I encourage you to do the same!  Please spread the word and make sure that all moms know that they have a right to provide nutritious breastmilk for their babies even if they work outside of the home!

*Note that since this law took effect in January over 23 large companies have been cited for not complying with this law.  These companies include McDonalds and Starbucks.*


  1. Really? Yeah, I think I will buy my office supplies elsewhere too.

  2. This kind of thing pisses me off. People wonder why society is falling apart - we can't even support providing for our children in the best way possible. Stop making women chose between staying home and shitty jobs. Companies that support moms will retain employers longer too... I mean we'd be more likely to balance a job if they supported us.

    1. My thoughts exactly! Less money spent on employee training!!

  3. Great perspective!! I actually shop a lot at Staples and surprise this is a stance they would take on a benefit that would actually make EE's more productive. Surprising.

  4. This is just unbelievable! This man and others that think like him is why society is going down fast.

  5. What kind of facilities is he thinking of providing that would cost so much he couldn't open new stores? Seriously.

  6. It always amazes me how uneducated people are - mothers who feed their children breast milk will actually cost the company LESS money in the long run. Children are healthier, get fewer colds (leading to less days off work for mommy) and are less likely to run into health problems down the road (cheaper insurance...)
    Seriously people.

    Thanks for sharing, I know where I won't be shopping anymore

  7. I worked in a company that prided itself in making the top 100 companies to work for and gave generous benefits to pregnant moms and offered a mother's room where we could pump. It only took me 15 min twice a day to do that. How many employees also do take time to go out for a smoke?
    To say that it would cost the country jobs and money makes no sense!

  8. So sad that they cannot make room in a little closet for their employees. I wasn't a La Leche postermom, I definitely still hold grudges against stores & other businesses that were unfriendly about breastfeeding when I was nursing my son.

  9. My thought upon hearing about this was wondering how hard he would fight to have his rights upheld if men could breastfeed.

  10. what a ass! I am so sick of something natural being penalized! I hope all the companies that are not complying get a nice hefty fine!
