
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why Use Cloth Diapers

For many people the idea of using cloth diapers seems very "old fashioned".  The truth is that couldn't be further from the truth.  Yes you can still find the old school diaper flats and safety pins, but for the most part the world of modern cloth diapering is nothing like you might expect.  You can even get a cloth diaper that works just the same as a disposable with out all of the harsh chemicals!

There are many reasons why an expecting family should consider using cloth diapers.  One of the most popular would be the money savings.  While purchasing an entire stash of cloth diapers at one time can be a HUGE hit on the pocket book (close to $400) over time it will likely save a family over $2000.  Now use these same cloth diapers for a second or third child and those savings only continue to grow.  

The second reason, and for many families the biggest reason is the health and safety of your child.  Modern day disposable diapers are filled with all sorts of chemicals designed to keep babies bottom feeling dry.  The reality is for many sensitive babies this causes severe reactions.  The only option is to put your baby into a chemical free cloth diaper.  

Source: Cotton Bottom Mama

The third and probably the most debatable reason is an effort to be more green.  Disposable diapers are not biodegradable.  This means that they can spend 500 years sitting in a landfill.  If you figure that the average baby uses 10 diapers a day and is in diapers for 3 year that is almost 11000 diapers per child sitting in a landfill!  Cloth diaper eliminate this.  When you are done with them you can store them away for the next baby or re-sell.  And even when they reach the end of their usable lifespan you are still looking at just 20-30 diapers per child that will decompose MUCH faster than that disposable diaper. 

The final reason that cloth diapers should be an option in your life?  There is just nothing cuter than a fluffy little butt running around in their cloth diaper.

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