
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tomato Juice or Raw Chicken

I spent the evening yesterday with my 3 boys, my sister and her little one.  After some shopping we decided to go to dinner.  Since it almost 7pm on a Saturday night we chose a little family restaurant that we hadn't been to in years but that we had great memories of.  This is actually the restaurant where I ate breakfast on 9/11 when I just had to get away from my TV. 

Well apparently 3 years ago the restaurant changed names and ownership.  We went in and were seated by a man I assume was the owner.  We ordered our food and everything was going really well.  Even with 4 crabby kids!

I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich.  It came to the table cut in half and when I went to pick it up there was a HUGE blood clot right there!  It was on both sides of the cut sandwich!  The waitress took it back and had another sandwich made.  To be honest at this point I really wasn't all that hungry anymore.  Just looking at the chicken completely turned off my stomach.  

About 5 minutes later the new sandwich came out.  I took about 3 bites and had the rest of it wrapped up to go home.  

Now I am not one to complain, and I am definitely not one to ask for a free meal, but if you were to come to my restaurant and were served a piece of raw chicken, you wouldn't be paying for your sandwich.  New one or not! I would be doing everything in my power to be sure that you were happy when you left and that the little mistake didn't ruin your night.  So when I got my check and they had still charged me for the sandwich that I was able to eat 3 bites of and still felt like I was going to be sick, I approached the manager. 

This is where it all goes wrong.  I asked him about the sandwich, and he had the nerve to tell me that what I thought was raw chicken, or more specifically a big chunk of chicken blood was actually just tomato juice!!  Um excuse me, I'm 30 years old, I spent 2 years in culinary school, I think I know the difference between blood and tomato juice!  

His only other response was well we made you another sandwich.  I wanted to tell him that he could have his sandwich back it was sitting in the to-go box on the table, but couldn't bring myself to get nasty with my boys there.  Needless to say I will NEVER be returning to this restaurant and I will be letting everyone I know what a JERK the owner was.

Have you ever had a really bad restaurant experience?  I want to hear about it.


  1. Wow, I've never had an experience that bad! Any time something has gone wrong, the manager has bended over backwards to make it right.

  2. That is gross! I would definitely send it back!! SOrry for your bad experience!

  3. My husband ate somewhere (I don't want to mention where) and ordered a bbq chicken sandwich. Once he got to about the middle of it he noticed it got more chewy. Turns out it was uncooked in the middle! They made him another one, although like you he didn't want to eat it. They also didn't charge him (which I don't think they should!). I told a friend this story and I guess that restaurant had a bad reputation. Shortly after this they closed (it was a change restaurant)! Just 2 weeks ago it looked like they were going to demolish the restaurant.

  4. That's nasty. You're better then me. I don't think I would have eaten anything from them after that. Yuck!
