
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cutting The Tie

So it is finally done!  

Colton had his tongue tie clipped last week!  I was a total and complete wreck!
But after 2 doctors appointments and 4 weeks of waiting it is done!

I went from expecting a quick clip in his pediatrician's office, to a quick clip in the ENT's office, to an out patient procedure.

We had to be at the Out Patient center at 6:45 for a 7:30am procedure.  This meant that Colton couldn't eat ANYTHING after 2am and we had to leave the house at 5:30!

My mom spent the night to get the older boys off to school in the morning and we were out and on our way with a crying baby at 5:30!  

Luckily he fell asleep in the car, and slept all the way there.  When we got there DH distracted him and walked with him to the other side of the waiting room where he couldn't see me.  Anytime I held him or he came close to me he would cry to eat and it broke my heart to not be able to nurse him!

They took us into the prep room, we hung out there for about 30 minutes waiting for his procedure to start.  I struggled to keep him from crying (there were about 5 other people in the same room) and I didn't want him to disturb all of them too much. He was in a surprisingly good mood.  He hadn't eaten a thing in over 7 hours and he was a happy boy, kind of.  

They took him from me around 7:45.  I held it in and didn't cry.  The Anesthesiologist explained to me that they would give him a little gas to put him out, an IV wasn't necessary, he would be out, they would clip his tongue, and then give him some oxygen to wake him up.  Still the only thing I could think was yeah, its only 5 minutes but what if he doesn't wake up?

At about 8:00 the nurse called us back to the recovery room and there was my sleepy little baby all wrapped up in a blankey with the nurse ready to nurse!!  I was beyond ecstatic!!!  

A little later that day my little man stuck his tongue out at me for the first time!!  It was GREAT!
Even though I was a wreck, I know the whole thing was harder on me then it was on him.  I'm so glad we did it!

My baby is now nursing without hurting me again, AND getting some solids down with out having to suck it in with his fingers!


  1. So glad he's doing better now! I would have been a nervous wreck too!

  2. Wow! What an ordeal! So great that is was discovered and corrected early on! Quite a relief, huh?

  3. I remember when they did that to my little brother. I felt so bad for him.

  4. Oh my gosh, poor baby... and mommy! I hate seeing my kids go thru anything and it was always especially tough when they little. Glad to hear it went well.

  5. Glad it's over! When little one's hurt- it's harder b/c you can't explain to them , why they hurt.
